I love it so much!
I'm posting this to share some apps and games that I love on my Ipod touch.
1. Dropbox

2. Facebook

3. Twitter

4. Opera Mini

5. Free RSS

6. Messanger

7. Fring

8. Hippo Remote (control my PC)
9. HomeBudget (very useful)
10. QuickOffice
11. WN Japanese
12. WordPowerLt (Japanese)
13. Beginner Lt (Japanese)
14. Kana (Japanese)
15. Kotoba! 
16. Coming soon...I'm trying to get my hands on the Pulse
1. SEED2
2. FruitNinja
3. GeoDefense Swarm
4. ZombieShock
Still learning and researching more stuff. Thanks to yack yack! and teh intarnet :3